Dr Vidya Krishnan is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher with the Molecular Therapy Laboratory led by Professor Steve Wilton AO and Dr May Aung-Htut at the Personalised Medicine Centre, Murdoch University. Vidya has a first-class master’s degree in biotechnology and completed her PhD in Neuroscience in 2016 from the School of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology at the University of Western Australia. Her work is focussed on evaluating the efficacy of isoform-switching antisense oligonucleotides to prevent or delay muscle damage via inflammation in animal models of muscular dystrophies. She is also working on assessing the biodistribution of different antisense oligonucleotides chemistries in murine models. Prior to this, she has worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Western Australia where she worked on projects including studying the benefits of exercise on the synaptic connectivity in the lumbar spinal cord of ageing mice, implications for therapies to maintain and repair spinal cord function in elderly humans.

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