Medical Research Breakthroughs in Stroke and Dementia
Medical research breakthroughs in Stroke and Dementia: Can we win the battle? The Perron Institute invites you to a fascinating...
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Research group
Adjunct Professor Bruno Meloni is the Head of Stroke Laboratory Research at the Perron Institute. Before this appointment, Professor Meloni’s research focused on the application of in vitro cultivation and molecular techniques to characterise medically important protozoan parasites, resulting in the award of a PhD in 1993 from Murdoch University. After joining the Perron Institute in 1996, Professor Meloni was responsible for setting up the Stroke Research group’s laboratory at the Perron Institute and has played a major role in overseeing the group’s direction over the last 25 years.
Professor Meloni’s research is focused on understanding the mechanisms involved in ischaemic brain injury, the identification of potential neuroprotective targets and the development of new therapies. Recently, the research has identified a novel class of neuroprotective peptides known as cationic arginine-rich peptides (CARPs), which are being developed into neurotherapeutics to reduce brain injury after stroke, and other acute and chronic neurological disorders. Professor Meloni is the Chief Scientific Officer for the ASX listed company Argenica Therapeutics, which was established as a spin-out from UWA and Perron Institute to progress the clinical development of a lead neuroprotective peptide (ARG-007) as a stroke therapeutic.
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