Professor Robson to Chair the Perron Institute
Business News reports on our new Board Chair Professor Alan Robson AO “Former University of Western Australia vice-chancellor Alan Robson...
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Business News reports on our new Board Chair Professor Alan Robson AO “Former University of Western Australia vice-chancellor Alan Robson...
New leadership at the Perron Institute The Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science, formerly the Western Australian Neuroscience Research Institute...
The West Australian newspaper Medical Editor Cathy O’Leary reports on the potential of our stroke research “Perth researchers believe a...
New stroke treatment could reduce brain damage by 40 percent Recent pre-clinical research at the Perron Institute and Notre Dame...
Steve Butler talks with stroke survivor Peter Coghlan in the West Australian newspaper Perth man with locked-in syndrome regains movement...
The West Australian newspaper editor Paul Murray meets Billy Ellsworth; a 16yo walking talking miracle “It’s not every day that you...
Our new building opening Our Patron, Her Excellency, the Honourable, Kerry Sanderson AC, Governor of Western Australia, officially opened the...
Hope for Duchenne sufferers around the world 16-year-old Billy Ellsworth is still walking thanks to Western Australian researchers who developed...
Duchenne muscular dystrophy: Push for Australian trials of homegrown drug “A US teenager who can walk because of a drug...
New building move scheduled for Autumn The Perron Institute are delighted to be moving into a brand new building at QEII...
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