Public lectures included in neurosciences symposium program
Public lectures included in neurosciences symposium program Progress over the past 25 years in Alzheimer’s disease research was the subject...
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Public lectures included in neurosciences symposium program Progress over the past 25 years in Alzheimer’s disease research was the subject...
Molecular medicine symposium draws internationally renowned experts Leading research on developing gene-targeting therapies to diagnose and treat an array of...
Peptide shows promise of protecting infant brains On 19 October 2018, WA Health Minister Roger Cook MLA, announced funding for...
Telethon-funded research breakthrough in treatment of newborn babies The West Australian newspaper medical editor Cathy O’Leary highlights newborn research: The...
Parkinson’s WA fund $250,000 for research The Perron Institute is delighted to receive $250,000 funding from Parkinson’s WA through the...
New MS Research Australia incubator grant awarded Worldwide, over 2.5 million people suffer from multiple sclerosis (MS). Multiple sclerosis means...
Professor Alan Harvey’s ‘music and the brain’ TEDxPerth talk now online The edited version of Chair of the Perron Institute...
New Intra-Operative MRI suite named after Neville Knuckey The new Neville Knuckey Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging suite (iMRI) has opened...
Torsten Ketelsen receives Australian Honour Torsten Ketelsen OAM, Perron Institute Board member and Chair of the Fundraising Committee and Honorary...
Western Australia’s best young brains battle it out More than 90 Year 10 students from over 20 schools around WA...
Vitamins and visitors make quokkas just the tonic for west An Australian newspaper senior reporter Victoria Laurie talks about the...
MSWA fund $1 million research into brain plasticity How the brain works has intrigued Associate Professor Jenny Rodger for almost...
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