People who are living with chronic illness, a terminal diagnosis, or disability will receive better support, with the Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science expanding the Compassionate Connector program. 

Thanks to Lotterywest support, the organisation can now scale up its Compassionate Connectors Programs, across Bunbury and Kalamunda.  

This program provides non-clinical in-home and community support to people with terminal illness which was successfully trialled in 2020-2022 by the Perron Institute and Southwest Compassionate Communities Network (SWCCN).  

Professor Samar Aoun, Perron Institute Chair of Palliative Care Research at The University of Western Australia and Chair of the SWCCN, said caring, dying and grieving is everyone’s responsibility.  

“This program will provide an opportunity for volunteers to offer practical and social support to people dealing with chronic and life-limiting illnesses,” Professor Aoun said. 

“This holistic approach addresses social, practical and emotional aspects of care.” 

Further training opportunities will be open for community members, helping them take on roles within the program, as well as access to a free on-line connector learning hub which will be developed. 

Research by Professor Aoun found with increased support networks and community links, people felt cared for and supported in times of need and were better able to engage in activities of daily living.  

People supported by Compassionate Connectors were less likely to use hospital services. 

“Fostering community conversation about illness, death, dying and grief is another important part of this project,” Professor Aoun said. 

Lotterywest CEO Colin Smith said almost $800,000 in funding over three years will expand and deliver Compassionate Community Connectors programs in Bunbury and Kalamunda and provide an online program and training resources.

“Lotterywest is proud to play a role in helping the Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science upscale the program and to create an online learning hub so other communities and organisations across WA can develop their own Connector Hubs. 

“The three-year program will extend existing services and provide training for volunteers to be better placed to support each other.” 

More information about the Compassionate Community Connector pilot can be found here.  

Article source: Lotterywest.