Finding new biological markers for multiple sclerosis (MS) and other diseases remains a goal for Dr Xiaonan Zhong, MD and PhD. Recently, she was awarded her PhD by The University of Western Australia. 

Dr Zhong is part of the Demyelinating Diseases Research group at the Perron Institute and Centre for Molecular Medicine and Innovative Therapeutics at Murdoch University led by Professor Allan Kermode. 

She recently moved back to Guangzhou, China, where she is a consultant neurologist at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University. 

“I’m collecting data for clinical research on idiopathic inflammatory demyelinating diseases (IIDDs) with known antigens (usually foreign proteins that cause an immune response in the body). 

“I’m especially interested in finding new biological markers for patients with IIDD. 

“The most common IIDD is MS, which is likely caused by autoimmune responses targeting antigens in the central nervous system.  

“Some IIDDs have known causal antigens that help classify them into distinct subtypes, but the target antigens of most IIDDs remain unknown. My PhD aimed to better understand the role of antigens in IIDDs by characterising known antigens and searching for unknown/new antigens.   

“For IIDDs with known antigens, my research provided insight into causes, phenotypes and reliable diagnostic methods. This may facilitate earlier and more accurate diagnoses and allow earlier treatment and an improved prognosis for neurological conditions such as neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease (MOGAD).  

“The discovery of new antigens in MS opens new avenues for understanding disease pathogenesis, clinical presentations and more targeted immunotherapies.” 

Dr Zhong recently published a paper with Professor Kermode on patients with late-onset MOGAD in the journal of Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. 

“I’m sincerely grateful to my supervisors, colleagues and family for their support! 

“I owe my deepest gratitude to my Principal and Coordinating supervisor Professor Kermode. He will always be my role model for his profound professional knowledge and rigorous academic attitude.” 

Dr Zhong’s Co-supervisors are Associate Professor Silvana Gaudieri (UWA), Dr Belinda Kaskow (Perron Institute, CMMIT and UWA), and Professor Graeme Hankey and Professor Frank Mastaglia from the Perron Institute and UWA. Professor Norman Palmer also provided Dr Zhong generous support. 

“As an international student, the research technology, thinking and atmosphere in Australia left a deep impression on me. I won’t forget the enthusiasm and kindness of the people around me. I will share my study experience and encourage other Chinese students to study in Australia.” 

Dr Zhong received several scholarships, including a UWA International Fee Scholarship, a Kakulas Prestige Scholarship, and a China Scholarship Council State Scholarship Fund. 

Congratulations, Dr Zhong!