Community health seminars a success

The Perron Institute held a series of free community health seminars at The Boulevard Centre in Floreat during October. Parkinson’s, stroke and brain plasticity were the topics presented by some of our leading neurologists and scientists.

Hosted by media presenter Tina Altieri, the seminars were a big hit with all sessions booking out in advance.

The talks provided an opportunity for the institute to share updates and insights about its research.

For our first seminar, Dr Ryan Anderton, head of neurodegenerative diseases research, spoke about the work he is undertaking with regard to Parkinson’s disease. He was accompanied by Dr David Blacker, a neurologist at the Perron Institute and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, who shared his knowledge regarding Parkinson’s disease, including his personal journey and diagnosis. His first-hand account of living with Parkinson’s resonated with many of the attendees who were keen to chat with him during the morning tea afterwards.

The stroke seminar conducted by researchers Associate Professor Bruno Meloni and Dr Adam Edwards provided an opportunity to update the community on our latest research and potential treatments. The audience asked fascinating questions during the Q&A, and many enjoyed continuing the conversation after the session.

Brain plasticity (the ability for the brain to regenerate) was the topic for the final seminar in the series, led by MSWA Senior Research Fellow Associate Professor Jenny Rodger, head of Brain Plasticity Research at the Perron Institute and UWA. A/Professor Rodger provided an engaging insight into current research and processes involved, and the audience enjoyed posing a variety of questions during the presentation.

All seminars were a success, and positive feedback from the attendees poured into the institute afterwards.

We wish to thank everyone who attended, as well as the Town of Cambridge for their support in helping make these events possible.