Perron Investment Network
The generosity of all people and organisations who contribute to the Perron Institute, is recognised as the lifeblood of our many research programs all working towards breaking new ground in the quest for life changing discoveries affecting people suffering from neurological conditions.
For some, the decision to invest in our medical research is the beginning of a partnership which we are now opening to a select few through membership of the Perron Institute Investment Network.
The Perron Institute Investment Network, recognises that for people donating above a certain level there is often a greater need to understand how their donation is being used and how medical research is progressing because of their involvement. There is also often a desire to deepen the understanding on medical advancements generally, to be better informed and to use that knowledge to inform others in the community.
Whilst the success of the Perron Institute into the future will continue to rely heavily on the support of our generous donors, our strength as a research institute will increasingly be funded from royalties earned from the commercialisation of medical treatments discovered and developed at the institute. The Perron Institute Investment Network aims to provide our valued partners with the opportunity to join with us as ground floor investors as these new discoveries are developed for the market.
Whilst the decision to invest in medical related IPO’s must be made based on the relevant prospectus and with the appropriate financial advice, the opportunity to invest as ground floor investors can, in certain circumstances, provide significant upside for our Perron Institute Investment Network members.
To find our more about the Perron Institute Investment Network please contact Jim Murphy on 0416 273 277 or via email
Key features of the Perron Institute Investment Network include:
- Invitation only membership for Perron Institute donors who have already made a substantial financial contribution for new donors who contribute a one-off of 50k or more.
- Limit of 50 members.
- Exclusive Boardroom presentations with scientists and researchers providing first-hand insights into research progress and new treatment developments.
- Regular eNews updates.
- Opportunities to invest in the commercialisation of the Perron Institute’s IP and research.
- Formal investor presentations ahead of the launch of any new commercialisation prospectus issued by the Perron Institute and exclusive opportunities to invest in IPO’s as they become available.
- Recognition of the Perron Institutes Honor Board located at the entrance to the Perron Institute.